Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blogging after a long time……


Life has been quite hectic recently, and I have been unable to give time to the crafty side of my life.   But I did manage to complete another silk painting, this time an abstract one.


I have tried using a colorless gutta, to outline the picture and I felt that your lines need to be really perfect and flowing, to make it look good.  I am not yet perfect with my lines and need to improve a lot.  But we all know that only practice makes a man perfect. So I will keep on trying and improving my skills.


This picture has a glare, but this is the only close up of my painting I could manage.

Hope to try and do many more…. perfect ones.  Until my next post,   All of you out there, take care.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Preeta good to see you back the silk painting is very nice :)


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